HomeBusiness & EconomyThe Need To Invest In African Techpreneurs

The Need To Invest In African Techpreneurs

PROBLEM – Where there are problems there are business opportunities to be tap.

For a country with over 200 million people, there is an astonishing 56.3% unemployment rate by National Bureau of Statistics. Low financial investments to boost technically skillsets for small businesses or ideas to scale.

Yet, the Nigerian government’s proposed bill to regulate social media has raised concerns among many, especially young Nigerians. Social media has become an essential platform for the nation’s youth to express themselves and voice out, grow their businesses and craft, connect with others, and demand accountability from the government and law enforcement institutions. If passed, the bill would grant the government sweeping powers to censor and control online speech.

On 4 October 2020, the Endsar went viral showing SARS officers. The Youth used this opportunity to air the voice for good governance, quality education and to foster Job creation, all for the purpose to have human rights and eradication of poverty.


In recent years, social media has played a pivotal role in mobilizing young people for important causes. Notably, the #EndSARS movement against police brutality in 2020, which was largely organized and fueled by social media. Additionally, social media has been instrumental in exposing corruption and government misconduct especially with the help of twitter. Unfortunately, Other Tech organizations claim to address Africans problem after the Endsars, but data exploit is all that counts. Return on impact amongst these Tech giants looks enormous but in reality, the percentage effect is at about very low impact on the youth.

According to Harvard, Nigeria has one of the largest youth populations in the world, yet the system to improve wellbeing, address unemployment and improve quality education has held the youth voiceless.

Recently, Universities have blamed the hike of School fees between 100% and 200% on poor financial support by the government and rising inflation, University World News reported in January 2023. While dropouts in University tend to have skyrocketed to 68% since Nigeria education history.

Andela, a global job placement network for software developers, founded in Nigeria is the biggest Tech training platform in the country, which has raised 24 million dollars and generated over $1 Billion dollars in revenue. They plan to train over 100,000 Techpreneurs in the next Ten years and that’s not even 1% of 200 Million population.

Youth find it very difficult to start a business, extreme low road map for success for them to breakthrough or venture into entrepreneurship. Tech skills are highly demanded to automate solutions for Africa problems, worst is that there are abandoned Biotech school projects which can be ignited to generate billions in dollar, from Agriculture food waste solutions.

Training capacity for Techpreneurship solutions are highly demanded due to very low statistics to low job creators, competence and revenue.  It is difficult for them to bootstrap due to inflation in the country, lack of support and young voices not being head  in the African continent, lacking human rights. which cripples these generation.

Onimowo Emotu is an Author, visionary, passionate about Leadership and Entrepreneurship towards market transformation and problem solving, as a tool to create Economic Boom and growth for Africa, founded Davinci codes Africa, a progressing Tech University.

He stands in as a voice to help the youth with better tertiary solutions that are functional and applicable to the 21st centuries. Why will young adult waste 4 years in a university that is not accepted in the 21st century and yet the government increased their fees 20 times the usual fees. To make things worse the computer science students across Nigerian schools regrets their 4 years curriculum was meant for the 80s and not applicable to this modern time. My parents’ generation experienced this too, so did my generation and so is this current generation. It’s time to end this generation cycle of African voices being silenced and our human rights been stripped away.

We have made this easy with our team out market research and deep insight with country developed has to do with founding principles through market size, problem solving and realistic investment and proper risk management.

Our Vision Statement is to train Africans to be develop techpreneural skills that will solve problems in Africa.

Davinci codes Training platform, which offers computer IT trainings in Entrepreneurship, to equip them to be Techpreneurs/biotech dedicated to coding skills fitting for global standards .

The courses will encourage partners and mentors in tech filed with real curriculum such as Ai, cybersecurity, data Analytics, software development and so on.

I am currently invited to the United states at the IACP(International Association of chief of police) to discuss cybersecurity. This year I’m also ask speak on Virtual Reality 3D driving innovations, also digital Tech & digital currency /Financial discussion at the Singularity Net idea Scale program.

We currently gain partnership with one of the biggest Tech event and collaboration from silicon valley and we want to put a positive mark about Africa using Tech to solve African challenges. There are currently amazing platform where we want digitalized our University solutions.

We also empower few foundations for children a great example is Jomiloju was coded a mini bank app at 10 years old, these are early foundations to foster early success and beginning to end the cycle of African poverty through quality education.

Our Marketing edge is to be at the very location where our Techpreneurship program and online Tech university, currently tested and ran online.

The University projects will require collaborations from MIT as we engage interest for partnerships, we are in current partnership with Sramana Mitra who is related top ten most influential on Times Magazines and linked in. Ribara is our recent partner which interns students into 500 fortune companies.

The population in Africa is on the rise. This is the reason America, China and Russia are competing investable offers in the continent.

Kindly call these numbers for details: +2348089360880, 09114605727

For investors to invest a stationary institute and seal investment agreements, kindly call: +2348089360880.













































































































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